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Gargling 2x daily -Cup beside your bathroom sink. Use it to gargle twice each day when you brush your teeth in the morning and at night.

Humming 2x daily - practice singing or humming deep in your throat-use the word’ ohm’ and hold the vibration in your throat for as long as you exhale.

Cold Shower 1x daily- end your daily shower with one minute of cold water, as cold as possible and practice breathing through the shock of the temperature change. As this becomes easier increase the time by 30 to 60 seconds every few days until your entire shower is taken under cold water.

Deep Breathing-3x daily- practice 3 to 5 minutes of deep breathing in a quiet space each day. Inhale 4 to 6 seconds hold briefly exhale 4 to 6 seconds all with nasal breathing. It is important to try to expand the lungs multidimensionally not just with belly breathing. Feel the chest rise, the belly expand and the ribs expand out front side and back.

Sunlight Exposure-3x daily-Go outside and expose your skin to the sun within 30 minutes of sunrise, in the middle of the day, and within 30 minutes of the sunset, each time for a minimum of 5 minutes. In a colder climate, expose your eyes to the light at each of these times for two to three minutes and practice breathing through the cold each time you do.

Sleep On Your Side- Put a pillow between your knees to keep sleeping on your side each night. It Is Best to Sleep On The Right Side

Chiropractic Care And Visceral Manipulation helps with alignment, the organs and decrease stress on the vagus nerve. Manually stimulating by rubbing the acupuncture points in the ear that are related to the vagus nerve is beneficial as well.

Music Therapy-listening to calm peaceful enjoyable music at home on a regular basis.

Yoga/Pilates/Meditation/ Mindfulness practice are all beneficial to calm the Vagus nerve.

B Complex/Probiotics/5-HTP are some things to include.

Gag reflex activation 2x daily -when you brush your teeth in the morning and at night use your toothbrush to stimulate the gag reflex on both the left and the right side of your soft palate.

Foundation Training Decompression Breathing